The Legal Rap

Yo, listen up, I got some legal knowledge to drop,

From contracts to taxes, don’t make your case flop.

Let’s start with the 1st law of thermodynamics in chemistry,

It’s all about energy, can’t create or destroy, it’s no mystery.

Then there’s confirmation bias in law, don’t let it cloud your vision,

It can impact legal decisions, that’s no superstition.

Need advice on legal and general pension accounts?

We got the resources, so don’t have any doubts.

Ever wondered about the beliefs behind the philosophy of legalism?

It’s all about control, even back in the prism.

Want to watch court hearings online, got no time to leave your den?

Check out this legal guide, you’ll be in the know by then.

Need to know about direct taxes in India?

Understand the laws, avoid unnecessary drama, don’t be a diva.

Into contract testing microservices in Spring Boot?

It’s best to follow the practices, lest your project meet its boot.

Visiting Thailand and need legal advice, don’t be sloppy?

Get to the Siam Legal Pattaya office, they’ll make your case less choppy.

Had a car accident, feeling groggy?

Wondering if you can sue the insurance company? The legal rights are not foggy.

Working in the Philippines, curious about salary tax rates?

Understand the calculation, it’s always good to have information.

So there you have it, a legal rap to give you insight,

With these links, your legal knowledge is tight.